training and development-凯发k8官网手机客户端

1. improving the staff training system

the group, committed to building an efficient talent supply chain, has the “training management system” in place to standardise the training management mechanism. it aims to accelerate the targeted training of talents, actively improve talent training and organisational capacity in a timelier and more effective, lightweight and forward-looking manner, render talent training more tailored to the needs of the enterprise and its business development, and improve both employees and organisational capacity.

in order to continuously improve the professional and management ability of employees, the group has founded “cifi university”, where employees are allocated with corresponding learning resources according to their development stage.

cifi university has established a scientific and standardised talent training model which covers more than 10 business ability promotion systems, 6 leadership development systems, 4 management trainee systems, 3 cultural training systems, internal trainer systems, learning management systems and various training programmes.

training of cifi management trainees

n july 2019, 168 management trainees of class 2019 gathered in shanghai for their induction training. in the 8-day training, expert lecturers from various functional departments to introduce the basics of the whole process of real estate development to improve the key general workplace capability. in addition, participants were divided into different classes to enhance their team cohesion and sense of belonging. this training effectively helped management trainees to finish their transition from students to professionals.

manager training – speedy development

from 25 to 27 july 2019, cifi university launched the “second training camp of speedy development scheme”. the training focused on five aspects: “strategic guidance”, “comprehensive operation”, “business breakthrough”, “team development” and “decisive take-off”. the curriculum design was a combination of external perspectives and internal wisdom. it comprehensively cultivated the integrated capabilities of general managers and high-calibre reserve talents for city companies, all in a bid to create better performance for the organisation.

product centre design training – cornerstone programme

from 23 to 25 august 2019, the group officially commenced its second “cornerstone programme” and design manager training camp. the training covered a total of 60 colleague from various departments of the group’s product centre and design professionals from regions and business divisions nationwide. cornerstone programme aims to cultivate the middle part of its talents pyramid for design professionals, and lay the emphasis on improving the cross-profession integration of project design managers, cross-functional coordination capability, project lifetime management awareness and holistic view and assisting design managers to apply their expertise and management standards to projects, promote the execution of product concepts and create value.

2. strengthening the development of online learning system

in 2019, with the change of external environment and institutional transformation, cifi university officially upgraded the original “online learning system” to “learning management system”, with its pc and mobile terminals launched to deliver intra-group connection, single sign on and data interaction, and realized the establishment of its talent training database.

cifi university has set out its standards for online courses. its internal development of “micro course development workshop” and standard micro- course work template empowers each professional line to produce online learning maps for new employees and posts. cifi university has also launched high- quality online courses for all levels of management, such as the online learning project “peiying scheme” for individual contributors, the hybrid learning project “management foundation 100” for frontline managers and “a scheme”, a learning project for directors. furthermore, there are courses catering to the learning and ability needs of different management members.

in 2019, the group’s offered 188,823 online training hours, achieving 100% comprehensive coverage of online training. below sets forth the average training hours per employee by gender and employment type:

